Thank you for your interest in applying to Christ Classical Academy!  Please note that you cannot close this application and then return to it. We suggest writing your responses in a word processing software (Word, Pages, etc.) then copying and pasting them into the fields.
1. Complete and submit this application along with your cover letter and resume.
2. Have your pastor complete and submit the Pastor's Reference Form.
4. Review the assigned reading for new families found here.
5. Candidates will be contacted by an administrator to schedule an interview.

Personal Information

Family Information

Religious Information


Please list all of the colleges and universities you have attended in chronological order.

Teaching Certificates

A teaching certificate is not a prerequisite for teaching at CCA. If you hold a certification, please list here.

Teaching Experience

Begin with your most recent teaching position. Homeschooling or co-op experience is relevant.

Other Work Experience

Begin with your most recent position.

Professional References

Personal References

Philosophies and Commitments

Statement of Faith

The following are the beliefs on which the primary doctrine of Christ Classical Academy is based. They are also the key elements of Christianity that will be unapologetically taught in various ways through all grade levels.
• We believe that the Bible is the very word of God in its entirety and therefore, is our final authority in matters of faith and practice. We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent.
• We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory.
• We believe that God created man in His own image, and when man disobeyed God, he fell from innocence and brought sin to all mankind.
• We believe that, for the salvation of lost and sinful men, regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely necessary.
• We believe that salvation is by grace through faith alone.
• We believe that faith without works is dead.
• We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life. We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved to the resurrection of life and they that are lost to the resurrection of damnation.
• We believe in the spiritual unity of all believers in our Lord Jesus.

Secondary or divisive doctrines and issues will not be presented as primary doctrine. When these arise, they will be referred back to the family and local churches for final authority.

Educational Philosphy

We believe that the Bible clearly instructs parents, not the church or state, to “bring children up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.” The church’s commission is to spread the Gospel and train believers (Matthew 28:18-20). The state has been directed to enforce God’s laws and protect the innocent (Romans 13). The family however, raises and educates children (Ephesians 6:4). Therefore, under the authority of the family, the Academy seeks to teach, discipline, and disciple. We believe that God’s character is revealed not only in His Word but also in every facet of the creation. Therefore, we teach that all knowledge is interrelated and instructs us about God himself.

God wants us to love Him with our minds, as well as with our hearts, souls, and strength (Matthew 22:37). Therefore, we seek to challenge children at all levels by using the proven classical method incorporating instruction in Latin, Logic, and Rhetoric. We want to help parents teach their children that all they do should be done “heartily, as unto the Lord.” Therefore, we encourage quality academic work and maintain high standards of conduct including biblical discipline principles. We seek to offer a full PreK-12 program because we believe that as long as a child is under the parents’ authority and undergoing formal education, he should be trained biblically (Deut. 6:6,7; Prov. 22:6).

Above all, parents can be confident that their student, at every stage of his development in school, will be loved with Christ’s love at the Academy.

Christ-Centered Approach

Christianity has been an integral part of the history and development of western civilization. The Academy holds that all truth is God’s truth. Anything other than an education centered on the person of Jesus Christ fails at what it purports to be. The curriculum examines secular authors, discoverers, philosophers, etc. in light of historical Christianity and a biblical worldview.

Classical Curriculum

The Academy employs the classical approach of learning based upon the Trivium described in “The Lost Tools of Learning” by Dorothy L. Sayers. The grammar school (K4-5) emphasizes basic learning skills, while the dialectic school (6-8) concentrates on formal instruction in logic and critical thinking. The rhetoric school (9-12) develops clear verbal and written expression in each subject studied. The goal is to instill a lifelong love of learning and teach our students how to think as a basis for mastering specific subject areas. Intensive phonics and primary reading sources (including the Bible and classic works) are used for instruction in reading and the language arts. An incremental and cumulative approach to mathematics is utilized. Latin is taught for its direct benefits and as reinforcement for understanding English grammar and vocabulary.

Discipline Policy

“Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right ... and, fathers do not exasperate your children, but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the LORD.” Ephesians 6:1,4. The Academy seeks to instruct every child to obey his parents and to show respect to all persons. Requiring obedience to those in authority establishes a lifestyle of obedience to God and His Word. We endeavor to have as few rules as necessary enforced through a combination of rewards and appropriate consequences. In fairness to all students and their families, no student is allowed to be disruptive to the process of instruction or to mistreat another student.

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Classical Christian Education for Pre-K through 8th grade in Leon County
2205 Thomasville Road, Tallahassee, FL 32308
© CHRIST CLASSICAL ACADEMY - 2022. All Rights Reserved.